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Quizball (Tri-ang)

Simple electronic general knowledge game based on a football theme. Answer questions to light up the path to goal.

Take a look at the playing pitch, both teams 100% offside!!

Quiz Ball
Quiz Ball
Complete game in excellent condition but the light switch is seized so game needs attention before it will work.
Quiz Ball£85.00
Playing pitch
Playing pitch
The base of the box forms a playing pitch with all the wires and battery underneath. Choose a route to goal and answer the questions to light up each step of the way.
Playing pitch
Playing pitch
Nice graphics and little bulbs under each coloured dome
Playing pitch
Playing pitch
There are four routes to goal all ending up in the back of the net.
The ball switch turns the lights on after each correct answer. This switch is seized on the game for sale.
A leaflet full of 500 questions
How many could you answer?
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