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NEW! - Wibbly Wob

Not sure I ever envisaged that one day I would be creating a webpage for a game called Wibbly Wob - but sometimes you just get lucky!

Highly original game from 1920s or earlier. Typical parlour table game for all the family.

Wibbly Wob box
Wibbly Wob box
Very typical family scene playing the game. Complete with the pipe smoker of the year father!
Wibbly Wob game contents
Wibbly Wob game contents
Two beautiful metal goals, lovely polished wooden ball, two wire contraptions to move the ball and rules in the lid.
Wibbly Wob rules
Wibbly Wob rules
Simple rules - use the wire thingys to hit the ball into the goal.
Wibbly Wob wire thingys
Wibbly Wob wire thingys
Lovely polished wooden handles with wire connecting them to blocks with baize backing.
Wibbly Wob goal and ball
Wibbly Wob goal and ball
Beautiful wooden ball and very sophisticated metal goals.
Wibbly Wob pucks
Wibbly Wob pucks
Wooden pucks moved on wire handles.
Wibbly Wob pucks and ball
Wibbly Wob pucks and ball
Really lovely wooden game pieces
Wibbly Wob goals
Wibbly Wob goals
Beautiful pieces of metalwork, as good today and when made almost 100 years ago!!
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