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Footie Flickas (Bernard Matthews)

A strange set of coated plastic pop out figures given away with Bernard Matthews products. Twelve versions in total that seem to be used to flick footballs around - hence the name I guess!

This page also includes the saddest collectable option I have ever had the embarrassment to collect!!

Footie Flckas clear packets
Footie Flckas clear packets
The full set of 12 sealed cards with clear fronts (printing on the reverse).
Footie Flckas clear packets£50.00
Footie Flickas printed
Footie Flickas printed
Full set of 12 sealed cards with printing on the front, clear reverses!
Footie Flickas printed£50.00
Footie Flicka player
Footie Flicka player
One assembled figure and balls. The balls have slots in them so I presume they attach to the side of the figure and can be flicked?
I have a big pile of spares £20 the lot!
Footie Flicka player£20.00
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