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Nestle cereal premium footballers

France 98, Euro 2000, Euro 2004 (click the images below to see the full ranges and more details)

Nestle had a flourish with football related cereal premiums for a few years (following on from the superb history of Shredded Wheat and others in the 1970s.)

Three sets of plastic football figures to collect offered in a range of cereals - Shreddies, Nesquik and Coco Pops.

France98 figures and game
France98 figures and game
They started small with a total of 8 figures, 7 with a kicking action and a keeper.
Nestle Euro2000
Nestle Euro2000
Then they went for world domination with 240 different options to collect!!!
Nestle Euro2004
Nestle Euro2004
Then reigned it back to a manageable 26 players and kits to collect.
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